I have added some data on casualties from battles and by Division from WW2, Eastern Theatre of Operations.  As noted earlier, the 30th Division was recognized as the number one Division of its kind in the ETO.  I have also added the casualties from Gettysburg, from both the Union and Confederate sides for comparison. 


Note that the Battle of Bastongne was a part of the Battle of the Bulge, and the Battle of Mortain was part of the Battle of Normandy.


Without lessening the courage and impact of the airborne divisions (the 82nd and the 101st), it is interesting that the 30th suffered more losses than those two storied Divisions combined. 



Casualties by Battles


                                                         Days      Casualties                 Killed

Battle of the Bulge                        40          89,000                        8,000

  Battle of Bastogne                      18            3,000                           500

Battle of Aachen                            20            5,000

Battle of Hurten Forest                 90          33,000 to 55,000

Battle of Normandy (all allies)     85        225,000

  Battle of Mortain                            7             2,000 to 3,000


Casualties by Division


30th Division                                                   18,466                    3,003

1st Division                                                      20,649                    3,616

29th Division                                                    20,620                    3,887

35th Division                                                    15,822                    2,485

90th Division (of Alle Savel)                          19,200                    3,342

99th Division                                                       6,553                       993 

82nd Airborne                                                     9,073                    1,619

101st Airborne                                                    9,328                    1,766


Battle of Gettysburg (both sides)  4           46,000 to 51,000